
Food Distribution

Emantes - International Lgbtqia + Solidarity wishes to provide food for Lgbtqia +refugees residing in Athens. Food provision is deemed necessary because quite often Lgbtqia + refugees in Greece are unemployed; therefore they have little or no resources to satisfy their basic nutrition needs and they end up severely malnourished. Additionally, in many cases, family contacts have been interrupted due to their sexual orientation and / or gender identity, so the Lgbtqia + refugees do not get any support or help by their relatives.

Emantes provides fresh fruit, vegetables and meat to Lgbtqia + refugees through the Fresh Food Distribution project. These goods were selected mainly because the vast majority of refugee feeding programs offer dry and long-lasting food or cooked food.

Financial resources and nutritional needs are the main criteria based on which this service is provided. However, subjective criteria may emerge forming an new basis of each case evaluation. For example, the service is auxiliary to people working and experiencing financial difficulties. Emantes, therefore, approaches each case individually and flexibly, taking into account the instability of living conditions faced by of Lgbtqia + refugees, with the ultimate goal of a fair and targeted supply of food.

The project has been officially set in place since September 2018 and has already benefited 35 people, partly covering their food needs.


The supply of fruits and vegetables is in line and close cooperation with the “Katalachou” Cooperative Grocery, which offers high quality products; that have undergone a cultivation that respected nature and human, in a safe environment suitable for Lgbtqia + refugees.


Support our project

Your support is crucial! If you wish to contribute financially to the project, you can make deposit into the bank account, or PayPal.

(Piraeus Bank)

IBAN: GR4701720520005052092825947

with the reference: “FOOD DISTRIBUTION”.

For more information about the “FOOD DISTRIBUTION” service you can contact us at